thank you

Hello, friends.

I read this article a while ago that talks about saying thank you instead of saying sorry.

This one does a good job at representing what I mean through pictures.

So, last night. I was at a church service and we communally recited these things called ‘confessions’. Confessions (to me) are like saying, “Sorry, sorry, sorry. Sorry for who I am, for what I’ve done, and what I will do.”

I can’t help but think, doesn’t God already know all of this? That He knows that we’re human, He knows we’re going to mess up, and He basically expects us to?

Then I thought to myself, “Well, why don’t we say thank you instead??”

Without further ado, here is the Kirsten version of a confession.

I call it… acknowledgement.

Most merciful God, we are grateful for your forgiveness. We are glad that you know our every movement and keep watch over us day and night. Thank you for showing us how to love with our whole heart; please help us to follow your example. We bow down before you in thanks, for the sacrifice of Your Son Jesus Christ, which has covered us in Your grace and mercy. Help us to delight in Your will, walk in Your ways, to the glory of Your name. Amen.

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